Members of the board of directors and employees shall act in a fair and honest manner and demonstrate integrity in all their dealings with other employees, business associates and clients, the general public, the business community, shareholders, suppliers, competitors and public authorities.
The Aim of our Policy’s and the continuing development of our Management Systems is to allow our operations to be conducted with: No loss of life, personal injury or damage to health. No damage to health. No damage to the environment. No damage to vessels, cargo or third party property. The TMS system is integral to the ISM Code, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and represents the Company’s internal control documents, which in turn defines the conditions for effective use, implementation and improvement of the Total Management Systems. To achieve our goals Havila Shipping ASA shall: Maximise safety for our vessels, on board equipment, personnel, cargo and the environment Assess all identified risks to our vessels, personnel and the environment and safety process, establishing appropriate safe guards. Continually improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard our ships by evaluation and instigation of further training regarding safety systems. Maintain a qualified administration and personnel suitable for the company’s activities. Continuously improve emergency preparedness related to both safety and environmental protection by system evaluation, training and by timely instigation of improvements. By constant review of in-house operations, and ongoing comparison with its competitors and other similar operations, the Company will seek to identify and implement “Best Practice” in everything it does. To ensure a healthy and strong HSEQ Culture within our work forces, whether offshore or on shore, the full integration of HSEQ systems and monitoring of those systems are the main tool for achievement. To comply with all relevant national and international rules and regulations. Guarantee full commitment to safety process systems. Employees in Havila Shipping ASA shall; Ensure that procedures and routines in the HSEQ systems are followed and always be familiar with the Company’s Policy & Objectives. The Company Policy and effective use of the Company’s “Total Management System” (TMS) shall be adopted by all employees at all times within Havila Shipping ASA. Stop work which may cause Accidents, Damage, Pollution or unsafe Incidents. Always be an excellent representative of Havila Shipping’s values towards our customers and partners. Be cost focused and take care of the values of the company.
Havila Shipping ASA is committed to maintaining and improving Environmental programs which continually improves our effort to minimize the impact to the environment. The key points of our strategy to achieve this are to: Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. Safeguard accidental impact through implementation and monitoring of proactive management systems and risk assessments Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source of its power requirement. Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers. Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of onshore and offshore activities. Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company. Ensure all employees are aware and trained to the company’s environmental policy and environmental aspects of the organisations activities, products and services that could be affected by their work. Ensure all Contractors carrying out work for Havila Shipping ASA have appropriate competence and training to comply with the environmental policies. Establish specific Environmental targets and carry out measurements against them which include “key performance indicators” KPI tables. To achieve our objectives Havila Shipping ASA has integrated standards and regulations in the Company’s Total Management System based on: ISM code, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and the ISPS code.
Our company objective is to be the leading long term provider of quality-assured supply services to offshore companies both national and internationally. This will be achieved through safe operation, best quality operational service, solid earnings, and focus on human resources. By the continuous search for optimum solutions and improvements, the Company aims to secure and improve its market place position, while providing a cost effective, quality, safe and healthy working environment for its own and client employees. By monitoring, measuring and reviewing our operational performance, compliance to guidelines and customer requirements we strive to exceed our customer’s expectations regarding Health, Safety, the Environment and Quality. (HSEQ) Havila Shipping ASA shall To offer competitive services within the industry. Ensure that all Company’s activities are performed in accordance with national and international legislation and regulations as well as internal/external guidelines. To strive to improve both customer and quality of service. Evaluate and handle any complaints or comments from our clients as valuable information to aid improvement. To manage the fleet in accordance with the best professional standards. To have in place an effective organisational structure suitable for the Company’s business activities. To achieve our objectives Havila Shipping ASA has integrated standards and regulations in the Company’s Total Management System (TMS) based on: ISM code, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and the ISPS code.
The Consumption and possession of alcohol or drugs on-board vessels operated by Havila Shipping ASA is strictly prohibited. All employees may be subjected to random drug or alcohol tests at any port. Such tests will be carried out by independent personnel and analysed at a recognised laboratory. Testing may be required by request of the Master, Charterer or Port Authority, and may also be carried out following any type of incident. The use and possession of drugs other than those strictly prescribed by a medical practitioner by both employees and subcontractor’s employees is prohibited and will lead to dismissal from employment as well as reporting to the relevant authorities. It must be remembered that traces of drug use remains in the blood for several months after having been taken. Any person under the influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol whilst serving on-board any of the Company vessels will lend themselves liable to instant dismissal.
All employees are required to observe the smoking regulations in their work place, restrictions should be observed onboard and at company or third party premises. Smoking regulations are designed to protect you and your fellow employees against recognised health and safety hazards such as the harm of second hand smoke inhalation and fire. This includes smoking of all types of tobacco products and the use of nicotine delivery devices, such as e-cigarettes. All tobacco smoking and the use of nicotine delivery devices to be conducted in approved smoking areas only. Approved smoking areas are to be designated at the discretion of the Master onboard vessels or senior management at shore premises. Consideration is due to nonsmoking employees as they are legally entitled to work and spend their free time in a smoke free atmosphere. During company familiarisation nonsmoking and approved smoking areas should be identified onboard vessels and at company or third party premises. There is strictly no smoking in accommodation, cabins, mess rooms or non-designated internal areas of the vessel. High risk No smoking areas should have clearly visible warning signs posted. Approved Smoking areas should be clearly marked and any restrictions posted. Strictly NO SMOKING on deck onboard vessels working within a 500 metre zone of an installation/FPSO or if there is a recognized fire risk such as during bunkering or other high risk operations.
All Accident and incidents are preventable. All Crew members, employees and contractors must at all times follow the TMS, Safety and Risk assessment process of the company to prevent accidents or incidents involving people, equipment or the environment whilst carrying out work tasks. The STOP THE JOB POLICY is an important part of the safety system within Havila Shipping. All visitors, employees and crew members have the right to stop the job in progress if a risk is observed that could lead to injury, damage to equipment or the environment. You have the right to STOP THE JOB with the knowledge that no retribution or punishment can be imposed on you for stopping the job as long as the policy has been implemented in good faith. A STOP JOB situation should be reported immediately to the persons supervisor who in turn will inform vessel and /or operational management. A stand down for safety meeting must be held and the task is not to continue until all issues and concerns are reassessed and resolved.
In all the Havila Shipping ASA operations it is important to retain a set of core values and approaches to the process of doing business. Havila Shipping ASA recognises its obligations to all those with whom it has dealings. The reputation of Havila Shipping ASA and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals are among its most vital resources. Havila Shipping ASA demands and maintains high ethical standards in carrying out its business activities. Corrupt practices will not be tolerated. Relations with Customers Havila Shipping ASA believes that integrity in dealings with clients is a prerequisite for a successful and sustained business relationship. This principle governs all aspects of the company's approach to its clients. In all advertising and other public communications, untruths, concealment and overstatement will be avoided. No employee may give money or any gift of significant value to a client. Nor may any gift or service be given which could be construed as being intended as a bribe. Havila Shipping ASA accords the same degree of confidentiality to confidential client information as it does to its own confidential information. Relation with Suppliers Havila Shipping ASA aims to develop relationships with its suppliers based on mutual trust. Havila Shipping ASA undertakes to pay its suppliers according to agreed terms of trade. Havila Shipping ASA expects our business partners to conduct their business within applicable laws, respect human rights and we will carry out due diligence to confirm ethical trading. The receipt of gifts or favours by employees can give rise to embarrassing situations and can be seen as an improper inducement to grant some concession in return. The following principles must be observed: Gifts or favours must never be solicited. Gifts of money must never be accepted. Reasonable small tokens and hospitality may be accepted provided they do not place the recipient under any obligation, are not capable of being misconstrued, can be reciprocated at the same level and the employee's immediate superior is made aware of the same. Any offer of gifts or favours of unusual size or questionable purpose should be reported immediately to the employee's superior. Relations with Competitors Havila Shipping ASA will compete vigorously but honestly. Havila Shipping ASA will not damage the reputation of competitors either directly or by implication or innuendo. In any contacts with competitors, employees will avoid discussing proprietary or confidential information. Havila Shipping ASA believes service excellence to be the best way of enhancing its reputation. Whilst fair comparison between the Havila Shipping ASA strengths and competitors' weaknesses may be made, Havila Shipping ASA will not engage in damaging competitors' reputations either directly or by implication, misrepresentation or innuendo. Issues relating to international business Havila Shipping ASA will respect the traditions and cultures of each country in which it operates and commits itself to obeying the laws of countries and communities where it conducts business. Havila Shipping will comply with relevant sanctions, trade restrictions and import/export controls within countries that we operate. Where business practices differ in countries in which Havila Shipping ASA operates, it will favour consistent procedures amongst subsidiaries and associates. It will work towards multilateral action aimed at achieving a high common standard.
Statement This policy is not intended to limit our employees’ appreciation of and activity on social media, but to help our staff navigate when it comes to sensitive information and social media. Purpose This Policy provides guidance for personnel to follow during any online presence that makes reference to Havila Shipping ASA. Guidelines Good judgment, common sense, trust and trustworthiness are key words. Always remember that readers of social media potentially will include customers, potential customers, suppliers and competitors, as well as colleagues. Following themes should be handled with special care: Company confidential Information Future Vessel Movements Planned Project Activities Current project status Financial or Market-sensitive Information Leaks of sensitive information could lead to dismissal even if it is unintentional. It is a violation of the company’s safety policy to access social media whilst monitoring and operating online systems, or during operations. The use of other digital distractions including lap tops, tablet computers and personnel mobile telephones are also prohibited. Personnel who fail to comply with this Policy can expect disciplinary actions to be taken by the company, ranging from warnings to dismissal and legal consequences.
Statement Havila Shipping ASA is determined to run its operations with a best practise attitude towards human rights, employment and the way we treat our fellow workers and those we come into contact with during our work. Havila Shipping ASA will not tolerate breaches of all relevant national and international rules and regulations. Harassment Havila Shipping ASA is committed to providing a work environment in which all workers are treated with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace either on-board or ashore (including customers, clients, other employers, supervisors, workers and members of the public, as applicable). Discrimination and racism It is the policy of Havila Shipping ASA to ensure equal employment opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. Havila Shipping ASA endeavours to provide a conducive working environment that is characterised by equality and mutual respect and show personnel responsibility and humanity towards all colleagues. Child workers Havila Shipping ASA will not tolerate the use of child or forced labour, or exploitation of children in any of its global operations and facilities. Equal opportunity Havila Shipping ASA promotes a policy not to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of race, colour, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, or age. Human rights Conduct our trade in a manner that protects human rights as set out by the International Bill of Human rights, the International Labour Organisation and the Marine Labour Convention for Havila Employees and contracted workers. No employee is made to work against his/her will or work as bonded/forced labour, or subject to corporal punishment or coercion of any type. Workers’ rights for seamen Freedom of association is the right of employees to freely form and join Workers Organisations such as trade unions, worker associations and worker councils or committees for the promotion and defence of occupational interests. Havila Shipping ASA supports employees’ rights to collective bargaining through which employers (or their organisations) and workers’ associations (or in their absence, freely designated workers’ representatives) negotiate terms and conditions of work. Remuneration and overtime Havila Shipping ASA ensures that remuneration and legally mandated benefits are provided as per schedules and trade agreements. Employees may be required to work reasonable overtime which must be agreed to, and approved by, the Master prior to being worked and must be logged as per company policy.
Havila is committed to the highest standards of business and ethical behaviour including compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, as well as company’s policies and procedures. Our operations affect the communities we operate in, and to maintain public trust and meet the expectations from our stakeholders, we aim to conduct our business with respect for all human rights and dignity of people. We act in accordance with our values: enquiring, responsible, predictable, committed, and respectful. We support and acknowledge the internationally recognised human and labour rights standards as established in: • the International Bill of Human Rights. • the United Nations Guiding principles on Business and Human Rights. • the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. • the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This Policy describes Havila’s approach to managing human rights risks in our operations and compliments the company’s Code of Conduct. Human rights are defined in this policy as rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Havila’s commitment to human rights is embedded in our internal company policies and reporting documents such as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Policy, the HSE policy, and the Corporate Social Responsibility policy, and the Annual Sustainability Reports. Havila’s Supplier Code of Conduct includes, among others, our expectations to suppliers regarding labour and human rights. The objective of this policy is to: • Describe our human rights commitments and how we work to avoid infringements of the human rights of employees, business partners and stakeholders. • Clarify our expectations on the importance of conducting business consistently and within the principles described in this policy and the internationally recognized human and labour standards as listed above. • Improve our continuous efforts to eliminate human rights abuses. Our commitments We focus on the areas where the risks are highest, striving to minimise the adverse impact on human rights from our operations. Below are our commitments in the way we work: • We treat everyone who works for Havila with fairness, respect and dignity. • We are committed to creating a working environment free from any form of discrimination, abuse, harassment, intimidation by, or towards our employees or others affected by our operations. • We believe everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their background. In Havila we are committed to the elimination of discrimination based on gender, race, ethnical background, sexual orientation, age, political beliefs, or any other class. • In Havila we respect the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining. • We oppose any forms of child labour, human trafficking, modern slavery, compulsory or forced labour, and we expect our business partners to do the same. • We respect employees’ rights to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of thought, conscience and religion. • We provide fair working conditions to our employees, in accordance with all applicable legislation, and we expect our business partners to do the same. • We pay special attention to the rights, requirements, values and integrity of individuals and groups which may be particularly vulnerable to adverse impacts. • We respect human rights of people who work in communities that may be affected by our operations. • We respect individual privacy rights and are committed to protect personal information in compliance with applicable laws. • We work systematically to minimize the environmental impact in all our operations. • We align our work with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Implementation • We expect all our employees, consultants and business partners to adhere to this policy. • We expect our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment to respect all internationally recognized human rights. Havila’s Supplier Code of Conduct also states an expectation toward our suppliers to communicate these principles further to their employees, suppliers and business partners. • We expect all our suppliers and business partners to pay special attention to the human rights they are at risk of Impacting most and to the human rights of people particularly vulnerable to adverse impacts, including women, children, migrant workers and indigenous people. • We expect our employees, suppliers and business partners to never infringe on human rights and to report any situation in which a human rights infringement is suspected. • We will continuously assess human rights impacts of our operations by performing human rights due diligence and propose necessary preventive risk mitigating actions if needed. • We offer a system for raising concerns in situations when our operations have, or can potentially affect human rights of individuals, workers and local communities. More information on • We will provide or cooperate in providing appropriate remediation to individuals, workers and local communities, where we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights. To such effect, we will also, where relevant, provide or cooperate in effective grievance mechanisms. • We will conduct risk assessments and audits of our suppliers and business partners to assess where the risk of human rights infringements is highest in order to continuously improve our efforts to mitigate human rights violations. • We will communicate this policy to Havila’s employees, suppliers and business partners. • We will monitor our human rights work and impacts, and report on this in Havila’s Annual Sustainability Reports. Governance This Human Rights Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors. The CEO is the owner of the policy and is ultimately responsible for the implementation and monitoring of its operational effectiveness. The HSEQ Manger is the functional owner of the policy and is responsible for communication, monitoring and periodically revising and updating the policy in consultation with respective functions and business units.
Havila Shipping believes that openness and good communication throughout the organization promotes a better work culture. Havila Shipping acknowledges the risk of violations of the Code of Conduct and policies, and depends on the willingness of employees and external parties to raise concerns in order to uphold high ethical standards.
Reporting of concerns (whistleblowing) is to report possible illegal, or suspected illegal, actions and violations of Havila Shipping’s Code of Conduct and policies. Examples of violations include, but are not limited to: fraud and corruption, harassment and discrimination, and adverse impact to the environment and human rights.
Employees are encouraged to use their right and responsibility to report concerns. This also applies to external parties, including employees of associated companies.
The whistleblower decides what information is to be provided. There is no requirement that the whistleblower is able to prove the event, act or omission. However, to allow Havila Shipping to perform adequate follow-up actions, the report should include as much detail as possible and, if available, supporting evidence.
Reports of concerns can be made to Havila Shipping’s Integrity Channel, managed by the ESG task group. The Integrity Channel offers the whistleblower the possibility of reporting anonymously.
Please click here to report a concern
It is of utmost importance for Havila Shipping to ensure predictability and confidence for all those who raise a concern.
Havila Shipping’s core principles for handling reports of concerns are: